Yasmin Trigger

Oral Health Therapist


Yasmin is one of our incredible Oral Health Therapists, having graduated from Charles Sturt University. She always found the dental world interesting, having grown up in it, but it wasn’t until she started working as a dental assistant that she wanted to take things further. As fantastic as she is with our patients, she also has an amazing talent of being the fastest reader on our team, having read over 300 books last year!! What a phenomenal effort Yas. Nice work!

Yasmin’s favourite part of her job is getting to know her patients and building a relationship with them over time. Let us mention that she’s one of the sweetest human beings you’ll ever meet, so it’s very easy to open up to her. If she hadn’t acquired a love of teeth, she’d begun a Bachelor of Communication and Business, so it’s likely she’d be working in an office somewhere. How fortunate we are that she chose the path she did.

Away from the practice, Yas likes to relax with friends and family and she adores her family’s two little cavoodle doggies – Tully and Rosie. It wouldn’t take much convincing for her to get a third either!

Meet the Jacaranda Family Dental Staff!

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